W.O.M.A.N. A poem by Kimberley Dobbs, Creative Media Production Student | South Bank Colleges
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kim dobbsKimberly Dobbs our Creative Media Production student held a talk to our Level 2 and 3 Health and Social Care students, which are predominantly female groups.

It was interactive and filled with many hints and golden nuggets about womenhood. She gave students creativity through acronyms, spoken word and a whole lot of humour. Kimberly spoke about being a young single parent and her struggles and tribulations. She shared her dreams and aspirations and totally filled the students with drive and motivation in embracing their place as a strong woman in society.


Wisdom, grace and elegance

Overflowing with beauty, aura and essence

Mind of intellect, character of strength

Always showing up, and getting off the bench

Notorious for wearing many hats, multi-talented, multi-skilled

Being a woman is a blessing, you have your destiny to fulfill

Walk in confidence, take every step self-assured

Be expectant and position yourself for open doors

Being a woman is beyond your beautiful package of external admiration. It's your internal that will elevate your station, inside of you lies many generations

Embrace all that you are and unapologetically be your authentic self

Society does not depict your inward wealth

Does not dictate your physical appearance

I declare that an interference

Beautiful, woman I leave you with this

Game changer, pacemaker, trendsetter, go-getter

Worthy, beauty personified, no need to modify

Makes a house a home, caregiver and a feeder to CEO, renowned leader

Immense resilience, persistence and fortitude

Love yourself completely and be the very best version of YOU


Copyright by Kimberley Dobbs