Supporting Your Child Through Their Remote Learning | South Bank Colleges
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Given the potential impact of this extended period of online learning, the College has worked extremely hard to ensure that we maintain our quality teaching practice as well as upholding a positive (on)learning environment for every learner. It is extremely important to support our work by ensuring that your child has the right tools at home to allow them to have a fruitful learning experience.

To understand and learn about the ways you could support your daughter/son with their new remote learning commitments, please have a read through The Parents' Guide to Homelife & Study

There is credible advice and support on how to:

  • boost your child's immune system
  • help your child study 
  • protect your child's mental health.

We want to reassure all parents and guardians that we are working extremely hard to ensure your daughter/son is able to excel in their studies and we invite you to work with us to ensure their remote learning and mental health is untampered.